Thursday, October 29, 2020

10 Surprising Things NOT Covered by Your Home Warranty

A home warranty can be a great way to help defray unexpected costs and protect your new investment as a homeowner. But it’s important to clearly understand a home warranty’s function and what it typically covers. Make sure you have the best protection for your new house, particularly if this is your first home purchase. Use this guide to help you understand the scope of a home warranty and ten surprising things that might not be covered.

What is a home warranty?

A home warranty is different from homeowners insurance, and it can help pay for those unexpected things that may come up after the purchase of a home. Homes, like most things, are subject to regular wear and tear over time. Unfortunately, household problems can quickly add up to large expenses that can’t be put off.

This is where a home warranty can make a big difference. Unlike what home insurance covers, home warranties cover the systems and appliances in your home—like plumbing or air conditioning—rather than the structure or your personal possessions. You can think of a home warranty as system and appliance insurance that helps provide new homeowners extra peace of mind, particularly if you purchase a home that is several years old.

What items aren’t covered by a home warranty?

Home warranties don’t usually cover problems that are discovered during a home inspection or that resulted from improper maintenance. In addition to these factors, there are several uncovered items that may surprise you. Before taking out a home warranty, pay attention to these ten things that might not be included.

1. Washer, dryer, and fridge

Even though home warranties provide some coverage for household appliances, washers, dryers, and refrigerators are often excluded from standard home warranty contracts. Read the fine print and make sure these appliances are part of your warranty if you have concerns about them giving out. In most cases, you can add on enhanced coverage to include these appliances if they aren’t part of your standard home warranty.

2. Garage doors and tracks

Garage door openers may be covered in a typical home warranty, but the garage door and track are not usually included. As you would with washers and dryers, you should double check your home warranty to make sure the garage door opener is included. However, if you are concerned about the garage door or simply want to replace it for aesthetic reasons, look to your homeowners insurance or plan to pay out of pocket.

3. HVAC system

Although home warranties are a type of system insurance, central air conditioning and heating units aren’t always part of standard warranties. It is becoming more common to include these systems, but make sure you are on the safe side. Also watch out for secondary AC or heating units. Even if your home warranty covers the main HVAC system, secondary units are almost always excluded.

4. Windows, walls, and doors

Because home warranties apply to systems and appliances, structural problems aren’t usually covered. Some contracts may allow for repairs to windows that threaten the integrity of the rest of your home, but window and door issues usually fall under homeowners insurance.

5. Roof leaks

When unwanted water is coming into your home, it seems like something that should be covered under the plumbing portion of your home warranty. However, leaks from roof problems aren’t usually related to the plumbing and are therefore considered structural—not systemic—issues. The good news is that even though this might not be covered under your home warranty, it should be included in your homeowners insurance policy.

6. Sprinkler systems

Outdoor plumbing—including sprinklers, faucets, and valves—is most likely excluded from a home warranty. While these systems contribute to the curb appeal of your home, they aren’t part of its internal systems. A problem with sprinklers rarely threatens the integrity of your home, which may be why home warranties almost always leave out outdoor plumbing.

7. Hot tubs and pools

Similar to outdoor sprinkler systems, hot tubs, spas, and pools are not usually included in home warranties. However, you may be able to find a provider that will let you add on extra coverage to address typical wear-and-tear issues that arise on these fun home amenities.

8. Septic systems

This one can be a big shock, especially because toilets and plumbing are usually standard for a home warranty. Once again, we’re dealing with systems that are technically outside the home, which makes septic tanks and systems common exclusions for home warranties. If your home uses a septic system, be sure it’s included as part of any home warranty you accept or purchase.

9. Preexisting conditions

This was alluded to above, but deserves another mention. Any problem that was identified during a home inspection is considered preexisting and will not be covered in a home warranty. Likewise, if a problem is determined to have been caused by improper maintenance, your home warranty will not cover it. Most companies will request a copy of your home inspection before paying out a home warranty claim, so be sure to negotiate repairs or replacements of preexisting problems as part of your offer before you close on your home.

10. Your preferred service provider

A home warranty can help you defray the costs of plumbing repairs or a stove replacement, but not all policies allow you to choose your favorite contractor or plumber. If you want control over who does work in your home, verify that you can select your own service provider under the terms of your home warranty.

Buying a new home is exciting, and you don’t want to worry about potential problems while you’re dealing with a move. A home warranty can be a great way to give you security and help with unexpected systemic and appliance issues. Just be sure you know what you’re getting into before purchasing a home warranty—and don’t be stingy with your new knowledge. Share this guide with friends and family who are also considering a home warranty for the next place they call home.

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November Home Maintenance and Safety Checklist

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Last Updated: A day ago
Black Friday deals We’ve got all the upcoming deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. From automation to Z-wave devices, check out our deals page to see what’s coming this November.

The holidays have arrived and with them comes the bustle of gift shopping, hosting, and for many, snow. Our November home maintenance checklist for safe turkey preparation, winter weather safety, and home security if you’re going out of town. 

November home safety checklist

1. Kitchen

Practice safe cooking

Before you fire up the range for Thanksgiving, make sure your oven is in good shape. Between 2014 and 2018, the NFPA estimated over 100,000 home fires started from cooking.1 Safe cooking with kids and adults will make your holidays a little brighter. 

Follow a few of these basic guidelines:

  • Keep flammable materials like curtains or rags away from the stove and oven
  • Don’t leave cooking unattended
  • Turn off appliances after food is done
  • Read and follow all cooking instructions
  • Have a fire extinguisher ready for emergencies


Check out our guide to Thanksgiving safety to learn more. 

How to cook a turkey safely

  • Clean the oven before cooking
  • Completely thaw the turkey before cooking
  • Use a meat thermometer to make sure the bird is ready
  • Let the turkey sit for 20 minutes before serving2
  • If you’re frying your turkey this Thanksgiving, follow the safety guidelines to avoid a fire.3

Limit the guest list during the pandemic

This has been a challenging year, but it’s not over yet. As much as you might want to host a big gathering, limit the guest list to ten people max. 

If weather permits, host outside. And remind your guests to stay home if they aren’t feeling well. 

Be sure to sanitize before guests arrive, space seating if possible, and offer plenty of hand sanitizer and handwashing supplies before eating.4

Remove crumbs from the toaster

The remnants of hundreds of breakfasts lie at the bottom of your toaster, and those crumbs can pose a serious fire hazard. Most toasters have a trap door that allows you to safely remove crumbs and clean the depository.

Clean out the pantry and refrigerator

You’ll spend a lot of time in the kitchen this season, and an organized space can make your holiday cooking that much easier. Throw away expired food and tame that mess in the fridge. (Plus it will make room for leftovers.)

Clean the dishwasher

The dishwasher cleans your dishes, but who cleans it? Give your dishwasher a well-deserved scrub to remove detergent grime and buildup both inside and out. Then run it on the “clean” cycle. Your glassware will thank you.

2. Bedrooms and living areas

Launder throw pillows and blankets

Give your guests the gift of fresh laundry. Wash the sheets, pillowcases, throw pillows, and blankets in your house. Regular washing keeps icky stuff like dust mites at bay and prevents allergens in your home from building.

Also, give blankets and pillow covers a turn in the washing machine. 

Some pillows won’t hold up to being fully submerged, so you’ll have to tackle those with a lint roller and a spot cleaner. After all, fluffing will get you only so far.

Vacuum under the bed

It’ll be okay. Promise. The only truly scary things under there are dust bunnies. Get some help moving the bed so you can vacuum or sweep underneath. You’ll sleep easier at night.

3. Basement

Check dryer and hoses for lint

You should be emptying the lint trap in the dryer every time you do laundry, but keep in mind that not all the fuzz ends up in the filter. Check the dryer and hoses, and clean any lint buildup to prevent your next load from going up in flames.

Check water softener and add salt if needed

If you’ve noticed your water seems to leave spots everywhere, your softener likely needs attention. Add salt only when the reservoir is completely empty.

Wipe down cleaning equipment

This may not have occurred to you, but cleaning tools get dirty. Really dirty. Brooms, mops, and vacuums are the workhorses of your house, and they deserve a once-over now and then.

Wrap the pipes for winter

If you live in an area that gets winter weather, early November is a good time to start preparing. Prevent pipe freezes later in the season by wrapping the pipes in your basement. A water leak detector downstairs can also catch leaks that may happen during the winter.

4. Bathrooms

Check for leaks around sinks and toilets

While your toilets and pipes might sweat a bit, anything that’s puddling or dripping consistently should be inspected for leaks. The last thing you need is water damage from an unattended gusher.

Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces

That bathroom no one ever uses? The toilet probably has quite the ring since you last checked it. Make sure everything is still in tip-top shape and give it a flush.

Do a deep clean

Obviously cleaning the bathroom should be a regular chore. But with guests coming and your schedule filling up, now’s the time to really get scrubbing. Deep clean your bathroom by sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming the floors. Use bleach (with gloves) to clean the shower, toilet, sink, and other surfaces.

5. Hallways

Dust stair handrail

Pretty much everyone who has ever been in your house has touched this. Everybody. Grossed out yet? Disinfect, polish, repeat.

Check CO and smoke detectors 

With all the cooking and activity going on in your house over the holiday, don’t forget to test your smoke detectors and CO detectors. A simple test or fresh batteries can keep your main defense against home fires up and running.


Prepare for winter

Having salt on hand for icy sidewalks or sandbags for vehicles that need a little extra weight is imperative. Don’t wait until the next storm blows in to stock up.

Lifting snow is heavy business, so ease your burden by investing in a new snowblower. Not sure which one to buy?

Put on snow tires

You’ve been putting it off, but if you live somewhere with frequent snowfall, it’s time to switch your tires before you’re caught on the road in unsafe conditions.

Prepare an emergency kit for home and car

If there’s one rule of the road, it’s that you never known when an emergency will strike, so be prepared with a fully stocked survival kit both in your vehicle and at home.

Protect your packages

With so many folks doing their holiday shopping online, porches and front steps will be ripe for poaching porch pirates ready to pilfer packages. This year, consider installing a video doorbell to watch for thieves. 

Video doorbells can also make it easier for receiving guests and talking to visitors at a distance. 

Arm the home security system if you travel

If you’re going out of town this November, be sure to arm your home security system and turn on your security cameras. If you don’t already have the equipment, you can find affordable options to keep your home safe while you’re away. 

November home maintenance FAQ 

How can I host a safe Thanksgiving during the pandemic?

After living with the COVID-19 pandemic for months, most of us know the drill. But just in case, here are a few basics for hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. 

  • Limit your guest list to 10 people 
  • Ask guests to stay home if they’re sick and limit themselves to public spaces in your home 
  • Seat guest outside if possible or space seating far apart 
  • Sanitize eating utensils and plates or use disposable cutlery and plates 

How can I make winter driving safer?

With snow and ice covering most of the US during winter, getting behind the wheel this November can be a hazard all its own. Before venturing out this winter, be sure to check your tires and breaks. Check out our guide to safe winter driving for a full list of tips. 

Is it safe to travel during the pandemic?

We don’t recommend it, but it’s possible to travel safely for the holidays this year. If you’re flying, be sure to wear a mask, keep your distance from strangers, and wash your hands regularly through your travels. 

But if your destination is close enough to drive, we recommend hitting the road instead of the runway. 


  1. National Fire Protection Association, “Home Cooking Fires,” July 2020. Accessed October 29, 2020. 
  2. Centers for Disease Control, “Food Safety Tips For Your Holiday Turkey,” November 2019. Accessed October 29, 2020. 
  3. United States Fire Administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Prevent A Turkey Fryer Fire,” Accessed October 29, 2020. 
  4. Centers for Disease Control, “Personal And Social Gatherings,“ October 2020. Accessed October 29, 2020.

The post November Home Maintenance and Safety Checklist appeared first on SafeWise.

from Blog – SafeWise

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Crime and the Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

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Last Updated: A day ago
We updated the lates crime stats and trends in the major metros we've been watching throughout the pandemic. Violent crimes continue to rise while most property crimes have seen a drop. Read on for the details.

Are ongoing pandemic conditions increasing crime in America?

It depends on who you ask. From a research standpoint, it’s difficult to make a sweeping assumption—even after six months of living in a COVID-19 world.

But there are consistent signs across the country that certain crimes have seen jumps during the global pandemic. The biggest increases have been in violent crimes, particularly murder, aggravated assault, and shooting incidents.

See year-to-date statistics for the major metros we’ve been watching throughout the pandemic.

  • Preliminary FBI data for the first six months of 2020 shows murder and non-negligent homicide as up nearly 15% compared to the same time period last year.
  • A report by the Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ) paints an even more dire picture—showing a 53% jump in homicides in 27 major US cities this summer, compared to the last.
  • FBI data also shows a 4.6% jump in aggravated assaults between January and June 2020, versus the same period in 2019.
  • Aggravated assault rose 14% summer over summer, according to the CCJ analysis.
  • Gun violence has been relentless for much of 2020, particularly in major cities like Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia.
  • As of September 28, the Gun Violence Archive (GVA) has recorded 13,641 homicides, murders, and unintentional gun-related deaths for 2020. That’s almost 90% of the total recorded for all of 2019.

It’s not all bad news, though. There are plenty of other crimes that have dropped dramatically amid stay at home orders, physical distancing, and other pandemic conditions.

  • Counts of rape have dropped, according to FBI data—falling almost 18% year over year.
  • Robberies have also been on the decline, dropping 7% for the first half of 2020.
  • Overall, property crimes have been on a downward trajectory this year.

Property crime stats and trends during the pandemic:

  • According to a preliminary FBI report,  property crime saw an 8% decrease nationwide between January and June 2020, compared to the same timeframe last year.
  • The FBI shows burglaries down across the board by nearly 8% year over year, although cities like Seattle and San Francisco have seen drastic increases.
  • Larceny thefts also dropped by nearly 10% in the first half of 2020, according to FBI data.
  • Car thefts and break-ins have been on the rise during the pandemic. The FBI shows a 6% climb in vehicle thefts between January and June 2020, compared to the same time in 2019.
  • Cities like Los Angeles, Denver, and Scarsdale, New York have broken records for the number of cars stolen so far in 2020.
  • The FBI also reports a drastic jump of 19% in arson offenses nationwide. The majority (52%) of that increase came from cities with more than one million residents.

New York City, New York

New York City skyline at sunset

New York City initially saw a steady decrease in crime at the onset of the pandemic—but year-to-date numbers for murder, shooting incidents, and burglary have spiked.

While stay-at-home orders initially dampened crime rates in the city, it seems that looser restrictions may have helped both criminals and business owners get back to work.

Highlights from the most recent NYPD crime statistics report are included below.

  • As of October 18, overall crime complaints are down 1.13% year over year.
  • But not all crimes are on the decline. Burglaries and murder have both seen big spikes in 2020.
  • Burglaries are up 42%, representing 3,601 more incidents reported year to date in 2020 compared to 2019.
  • The city has also seen a 32% jump in murders, equaling 89 more victims this year than last. As of the end of April, the murder rate had only increased by 4% year over year.
  • The number of shooting victims has increased by nearly 99%, with 753 more victims year to date (as of October 18) than during the same period last year.
  • Shooting incidents have also climbed at a rate of 92% year over year—NYPD reports 593 more incidents so far in 2020, compared to 2019.
  • The number of rapes reported to NYPD has seen a significant decline. As of October 18, there were 344 fewer rapes reported year to date, versus the same time period last year. That’s a 23% drop year over year.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA

Not even a global pandemic can stop the rate of violence and murder in the City of Brotherly Love. Despite social distancing and stay-at-home orders, Philadelphia is seeing record numbers of homicides.

But some crimes have dipped during the novel coronavirus crisis—residential burglaries and personal thefts (like mugging) have seen steep drops year over year.

Specific statistics from Philadelphia Police Department reports shed more light below.

  • As of October 18, all Part One offenses were down 2.7% year over year, compared to the same time frame in 2019.
  • Violent crime dipped 1.6% year over year, and property crime dropped 3%.
  • Homicides increased by 34%, or 95 more incidents, than in 2019.
  • Shootings have continued to peak, with shooting incidents up 58% and shooting victims up 47% year over year. That’s more than 1,000 additional shooting incidents and over 550 more victims than Philadelphia saw as of October 18 in 2019.
  • Aggravated assaults involving a gun jumped by 40% year over year, accounting for 844 more gun-related assaults in 2020 than last year.
  • In contrast, all other aggravated assaults went down by 1.6%. Likewise, all classifications of robbery and rape have seen a decrease this year, averaging about 20% across the board.
  • When it comes to burglary, residential break-ins have declined by nearly 25%—that’s 945 fewer incidents year to date than last year.
  • But commercial burglaries have skyrocketed by 134%, adding up to more than 1,300 incidents this year than last. Interestingly, retail theft has gone down nearly 10%.
  • Theft from a person has dropped over 43% year to date, compared to 2019.
  • Both auto theft and vehicle tag theft have risen by 28% and 35%, respectively.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago skyline

Amidst year-to-date reports of predominantly lower crime rates, shootings and homicides continue to plague Chicago during the pandemic.

Find out more from the most recent Chicago Police Department crime report below.

  • As of October 25, criminal complaints are down 7% overall compared to the same time period in 2019.
  • The crimes with the biggest drops are criminal sexual assault (down 23%) and theft (down 27%).
  • Murder leads the way when it comes to crimes on the rise in Chicago. So far this year, there’ve been 51% more murders than in 2019. That’s 219 more incidents year over year. Last year murders rose 34% over 2018’s numbers.
  • Shooting incidents have also seen a spike of 52% this year—accounting for more than 900 additional incidents in 2020 than in 2019.
  • Auto theft has also been climbing, with 8% more stolen cars reported as of October 25 than during the same time frame last year.

Los Angeles, California

Safest Metro Cities in America

The City of Angels saw a stark drop in crime as the city hunkered down to battle the COVID-19 pandemic in March. Even though all crime has been trending downward, gun violence still outpaces other violent incidents.

See how crime is evolving in Los Angeles with data from the latest LAPD crime reports.

  • As of October 17, violent crime is down by just over 3% year over year, with rape showing the biggest decline (23%).
  • In June, LA’s year-to-date violent crime numbers indicated an 11% drop year over year, but that gap has closed rapidly as we head into fall.
  • Despite an overall downward trend for violent crime, both homicides and assaults have been on the rise. Homicides are up nearly 25% year over year, and aggravated assault has increased by more than 5%.
  • Shootings are still on the rise in the City of Angels. Year-to-date, the city reports 22% more shots fired and 23% more shooting victims than in the same time period for 2019. That’s a difference of 393 more shots-fired incidents and 185 more shooting victims in 2020.
  • Property crime remains on a downward trajectory, with a 10% decline year over year for all property crimes reported to the LAPD.
  • The only outlier is car theft, which has risen over 35% this year, compared to 2019 statistics.

The remainder of this article was originally published June 2, 2020

Today’s biggest threats (that aren’t the virus)

Memorial Day weekend saw 49 shootings in Chicago, 10 in New York City, and 3 in Los Angeles.

Shootings continue to be a scourge across the nation as states open up and people finally come out of their homes. Chicago’s Memorial Day weekend was its deadliest in five years.

Property crime continues to be down in most places—especially acts against private residences. But the initial dip in violent crime has normalized across much of the country, particularly in cities already wracked by gun violence and drugs continue to see those crimes proliferate, pandemic or no. 

But some new criminal activities are rearing their heads. Here are crimes that seem to be growing as we settle into the third month of social distancing.

  • Civil disobedience in the face of state and city restrictions
  • Package theft
  • Speeding
  • Surges in the opioid epidemic
  • Assault on medical workers and law enforcement (usually through coughing, spitting, or sneezing)

Crimes that continue to be problematic during the pandemic

  • Burglary of commercial businesses left vacant
  • Domestic and family violence
  • Hate crimes (especially against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders)
  • Vehicle theft
  • Financial scams
  • Price gouging

Some ways you can help

Hate crimes

Domestic violence

If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic abuse, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline online or at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Calls are free, confidential, and offer support in more than 200 languages.

Scams to watch out for

New scam alert!

Unemployment claims are the latest government program to fall victim to coronavirus scammers. States have lost millions of dollars to the unscrupulous fraudsters preying on the millions of Americans who've been put out of work during the pandemic.

Scammers have hit Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wyoming so far.

Possibly the only thing as pervasive as the novel coronavirus is the unending stream of scams targeting us when we’re at our most vulnerable. Don’t give the scammers any victories as they prey on the fallout of a pandemic

Here’s what to look out for—and what you can do about it.

IRS stimulus check scams 

People are receiving their stimulus money, but scammers have been trying to swipe your funds since the bill was approved by the White House. Don’t respond to any of the following in regard to your stimulus payment.

The bottom line is that the IRS will not contact you for any information related to your stimulus payment. Don’t give anyone your social security number, full name, birthdate, or precious time.

“Economic impact funds” will be automatically deposited into bank accounts for eligible tax filers who already filed taxes this year. If you didn’t get your refund via direct deposit, you’ll be issued a check in the mail. 

If you didn’t file your taxes, or aren’t usually required to file, you can fill out an online IRS form to get your payment. 

Charity scams 

There has been a spike in emails, texts, and phone calls soliciting donations for phony charity organizations and others claiming to represent the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

  • Don’t respond to these messages.
  • Don’t click on any links.
  • Don’t provide any personal information.

Where to report scams 

If you come across a scam, help put these bad actors out of business by reporting it. 

How the coronavirus is impacting crime state to state


  • Violent crimes in Tempe increased by six incidents per 100,000 people between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same time period last year.
  • Flagstaff police haven’t seen a spike in domestic violence calls like other cities across the US, but officers have seen a jump in daytime calls since the COVID-19 pandemic gave way to stay-at home orders.
  • Calls for public intoxication have been on the rise in Flagstaff and burglaries related to public intoxication incidents have climbed almost 13%.


  • Citizens in Little Rock held a “coronavirus parade on April 5. Police issued tickets for loitering and reckless driving, despite no statewide stay-at-home order in Arkansas.
  • Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. admonished the revelers, emphasizing the coronavirus and COVID-19 are “not a game.”


  • Denver saw 10 more violent crimes reported per 100,000 residents year over year between March 16 and April 12. Denver also reported 10 more car thefts during that same timeframe this year compared to the numbers in 2019.
  • A Castle Rock restaurant owner is in hot water after serving a bustling Mother’s Day crowd against state social distancing orders. After being ordered to shut down, the owner defiantly opened for business again the following morning—continuing to eschew COVID-19 safety practices.
  • Burglaries in Boulder have jumped 189% since the beginning of March (79 this year compared to 28 in 2019), but police don’t attribute the spike to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Overall, crime in Denver saw a drop of nearly 10% in March 2020, compared to March 2019.



  • Delaware County is being proactive when it comes to residents’ mental and emotional health needs. Emergency Services is keeping an eye on domestic violence and suicide calls to see if the pandemic is spurring any spike in reports. So far, the county hasn’t seen an increase, but they want to be prepared if citizens need extra support.
  • “We haven’t seen a surge in those yet, but it is something we are daily monitoring and reporting out. With our partners and community groups, we’re all preparing to ramp up behavioral health, mental health services,” Tim Boyce, Emergency Services Director, told The Delco Times.


  • There were 7% more arrests for major crimes in Volusia County between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same time period in 2019.
  • Miami saw 1.1 fewer homicides per 100,000 people between March 16 and April 12, versus the same period last year.
  • In Jacksonville, four people have been arrested for coronavirus-related crimes in the past few weeks. Crimes range from spitting and coughing on healthcare and law enforcement workers to jumping a fence into a testing site. The Mayor is considering implementing a curfew if similar incidents persist.
  • Jacksonville has also seen a rash of shootings and assaults despite local and state advisories to stay at home. Jacksonville came in at 101 in our 2020 ranking of the Sunshine State’s safest cities, with a violent crime rate of 6 incidents per 1,000.


  • Atlanta had a 6% increase in arrests for major crimes between March 16 and April 12, but there was a drop of 29% for less serious crimes.
  • Georgia has been a hotbed of controversy as one of the first states to abandon social distancing protocols and in the aftermath of the fatal Ahmaud Arbery shooting.
  • A father and son were arrested for the crime, claiming concern about a string of break-ins in their neighborhood, but police reports don’t support the burglary spree claim. In fact, Glynn County police recorded just one burglary during that time frame—and it was a vehicle break-in.

No hard feelings

Protesters in California staged a second illegal demonstration to say, "I forgive you" to the law enforcement officers who arrested them at an earlier unsanctioned protest against California's stay-at-home orders.


  • Far-right activists and politicians in Idaho are defying statewide stay-at-home orders and challenging the constitutionality of such directives. From holding Easter services to calling out political opponents, the efforts aren’t gaining much traction.
  • Idaho’s governor and attorney general said they’re prepared to defend the stay-at-home order in court if it comes to that.


  • Despite early signs of a dip in violent crime, Indianapolis is on track to exceed homicide rates this year compared to previous years.
  • As of April 6, there had been 45 criminal homicide cases, compared to 34 by that time in 2019.
  • Last year the city saw 154 criminal homicides, and 2018 set the record with 159.


  • Kansas City police report decreases in shoplifting, vehicle theft, and automobile break-ins since the state’s stay-at-home order went into effect on March 24.
  • Unfortunately, the city has seen slight increases in aggravated assaults, murders, and domestic violence calls.
  • If you feel unsafe at home, KCPD wants you to call 816-HOTLINE to talk to a domestic violence advocate.
  • Bad actors are impersonating police in several Kansas counties. Imposters pull drivers over and ask if their travel is “essential.” So far, no one has been hurt.
  • If you think you’ve been stopped by an impersonator, contact your local police and report it to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation by calling 1-800-KS-CRIME or filling out information online.


  • Shootings in Louisville have continued to rise despite stay-at-home advisories. Since orders were put in place on March 16, the city has seen 46 shootings, resulting in 11 dead.
  • For the same period in 2019, Louisville saw 19 total shootings and seven deaths.


  • Emergency 911 operators in New Orleans are getting about 100 fewer calls per day since the city has been mostly shuttered due to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Since stay-at-home orders were put in place, murders involving guns have decreased 58% in New Orleans and non-fatal shootings dropped 19% compared to the incidence of those crimes between January 1 and March 15.
  • Other crimes that saw a dip in New Orleans since March 15 include armed robbery (down 29%), carjackings (down 54%), and car break-ins (down 34%).
  • A riot and a mass escape rocked youth prison facilities (and surrounding communities) in Louisiana in April. The system is already strained due to multiple outbreaks of the novel coronavirus.



  • Overall property crime in Baltimore dropped by 135 incidents per 100,000 people between March 16 and April 12, versus the same timeframe in 2019.
  • Baltimore homicides rose slightly between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same time period last year, but violent crime incidents dropped overall by 10 crimes per 100,000 people.
  • Robberies in Baltimore fell by 6.8 incidents per 100,000 between March 16 and April 12, and burglaries dropped by 24 incidents, compared to last year.
  • A Carrol County man has been charged for violating social distancing orders after throwing a party in a local hotel. Gatherings of more than 10 people are currently prohibited statewide.


  • Major crime arrests in Boston declined by a whopping 66% between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same time period in 2019.
  • Police report an uptick in vehicle break-ins across Boston, although home burglaries have declined since a city-wide curfew was put in place to help battle the spread of the novel coronavirus.
  • Boston city officials and a community organizations that track crime fear shootings are on the rise during the pandemic, although police reported no difference between the number of fatal shootings in March 2019 and March 2020.


  • Grand Rapids saw a 20% jump in arrests for major crimes between March 16 and April 12, versus the same timeframe last year.
  • Overall, crime is still increasing in Detroit despite the pandemic, but the rate of increase has slowed significantly since the outbreak started to ravage the city. Detroit police report around 20% fewer major crimes in the city each week, compared to last year’s numbers.
  • As of the week ending April 19, more than 180 Detroit police department employees had tested positive for the novel coronavirus, over 1,000 have been quarantined, and several have died, including the director of homicide and a volunteer police chaplain.
  • Crime dipped initially after stay-at-home orders were issued, but Detroit criminals got back to business-as-usual when April rolled around. In the first week of April the city saw 27 non-fatal shootings and 8 homicides.



  • St. Louis has seen fewer shootings since the state imposed its stay-at-home order. As of April 24, the city reported a 77% reduction in murders year over year compared to the same time period in 2019.
  • A local group dedicated to reducing crime in Kansas City is changing its tactics from door-to-door interactions to phone outreach in order to comply with the city’s stay-at-home order.

Making a difference

"Wash the Hate" is a PSA campaign spearheaded by Asian celebrities who want to quash the recent spike of hate crimes aimed at Asian Americans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign aims to unite all communities against our "common enemy."



  • The sheriff’s office in Lincoln reports a jump in gun sales as the pandemic continues. Between February and March, handgun sales grew by 121% (from 342 purchases to 758). In April sales dipped a bit, but there were still 553 handguns sold in Lancaster County that month.
  • In early April, one person was killed and at least two others injured in a shooting after police broke up a large gathering of people in an Omaha park.

New Hampshire

  • Concord saw domestic disturbance calls on the rise as early as April 14, with 38% more calls coming in compared to the rate before stay-at-home orders were in effect.
  • All calls for service dipped by 40% between the middle of March and early April, compared to 2019.

New Jersey

  • Newark reported 12 fewer violent crimes per 100,000 residents between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same timeframe in 2019.
  • New Jersey saw an overall 25% decrease in crime year over year after the first month in quarantine.
  • Shootings in the Garden State were down 18% for the first quarter of the year, compared to the same time period in 2019.
  • Despite stay-at-home-orders police report no downturn in deaths caused by car crashes

New Mexico

  • Crime in Albuquerque hasn’t seen huge changes due to the pandemic. While residential burglaries are down, commercial burglaries have risen. Murders remain on track with previous years, and the city hasn’t yet seen a spike in domestic violence calls.

North Dakota


  • In the first 30 days of Ohio’s stay-at-home order, Cincinnati saw an upswing in murders and a downturn in domestic violence calls.
  • A spike in Cincinnati’s homicide rate is reported across the board, though the extent of the increase is up for debate—some news outlets claim a 270% jump and others indicate a 115% rise.
  • Other crimes that have increased in Cincinnati year over year include a 31% spike each in auto thefts and robberies, and a 20% rise in aggravated assaults. Burglaries decreased by 2.5%, rape went down by 30%, and car break-ins are down nearly 17%.


  • On April 16, the director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation told lawmakers that the crime rate in the state has been relatively unchanged during the pandemic lockdown.
  • While violent crime calls remain flat, petty theft has seen a bump—although the jump is being attributed to a change in what qualifies as a felony theft rather than any coronavirus restrictions.


  • On May 1, Portland law enforcement officials reported that shootings in the city are roughly 25% higher year over year.
  • Right after the state’s stay-at-home order was issued, Portland saw a slight dip in crime, but burglary arrests are starting to climb. There were four burglaries reported during the week of March 15 compared to 17 reported the week of April 19.
  • Washington County has seen a rise in property crime and officials are linking the trend to the state’s pandemic state of emergency. In response, the Washington County DA plans to charge some misdemeanor thefts as felonies in an attempt to curb so-called “covid thieves.”

Rhode Island

  • Unemployment scams have hit Rhode Island hard. The state Department of Labor and Training and the FBI are investigating hundreds of fraudulent claims among the more than 200,000 legitimate claims from workers hit by the pandemic fallout.
  • As of April 27, there were 29 Rhode Island police officers who were off-duty because of the novel coronavirus. Eight were positive for COVID-19, and the others were either waiting for test results or to be tested.
  • A man in Pawtucket robbed a convenience store wearing the recommended face mask and gloves—blending in as a regular, “good citizen” during the pandemic.

South Carolina

  • Domestic violence incidents have increased since the onset of the pandemic. The Richland County Sheriff’s Department reported 47 calls between March 15 and April 20—a 51% increase compared to the same period last year.
  • Columbia police had 63 domestic violence calls between March 22 and April 20, versus 60 during the same timeframe in 2019.
  • Sistercare, a domestic violence counseling service, saw 66% more calls in April than usual.

South Dakota

  • Native American tribes are clashing with the governor over checkpoints established on state and federal highways in an effort to keep the novel coronavirus out of reservations.
  • The Oglala and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes say they are trying to protect the health of their families, but the state says it’s unlawful to block the free flow of traffic on these roadways.
  • As of May 24, the checkpoints remain and the governor has made little official headway in her effort to get them removed, despite official letters and threats of legal action.

“I would rather, when this is all over, be in court or be criticized for overreacting or doing too much than I would to live the rest of my life knowing somebody was hurt or somebody passed away unnecessarily.”
Remi Bald Eagle, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe


  • Marsy’s Law, landmark legislation designed to strengthen the rights of crime victims in Tennessee, has been put on hold due to the COVID-19 outbreak. State legislators will take the law up again when they reconvene in January 2021.
  • Nashville saw a 250% jump in homicides during the initial weeks of stay-at-home orders, compared to the same period last year. There were four homicides between March 16 and April 12 last year, compared to 14 this year.
  • In the midst of the pandemic, Nashville’s government and police get high ratings from the public. The police department’s approval rating is 86% so far this year—an increase over 2019 ratings.


  • Overall crime in the Salt Lake City area dipped by 84% from March to April, according the Unified Police Department.
  • Domestic offenses have been on the rise, though. Salt Lake City family violence calls jumped 34% in April, compared to the same time last year.
  • Commercial burglaries rose 45% in Salt Lake from March to April.

Solve cold cases during quarantine

The Utah Department of Public Safety wants to put pandemic boredom to good use. The department launched a website with information on 400 cold cases and they're asking amateur sleuths to go online and see if they can help solve them.


  • Police say that crime rates are rising again after an initial drop at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. Vermont State Police reported a 29% drop in crime during April and early May—including a 47% dip in assaults. But as summer inches closer, crime is returning to pre-pandemic levels.
  • Shoplifting and intoxication have been on the rise, and police also report a rise in both assaults and property damage at hotels, specifically.
  • Crime has dropped around 17% across the state year to date.


  • Virginians flocked to the roadways over Memorial Day weekend, after weeks of being cooped up inside. Sadly, the mad dash resulted in 8 deaths, 2,489 reckless driving citations, and 70 DUI arrests.
  • Those numbers are down from 2019, but only slightly. In 2019 the holiday weekend saw 75 DUIs, 11 fatalities, and 2,548 reckless driving citations.


  • Seattle had 32 more burglaries per 100,000 people between March 16 and April 12, compared to the same time period last year.
  • One Seattle precinct saw an 87% jump in burglaries in March, as businesses shuttered due to the pandemic. Overall, the city has seen 21% more burglaries.

Related articles and coronavirus resources

The post Crime and the Coronavirus: What You Need to Know appeared first on SafeWise.

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